My rating: 4.7 of 5 pearls
Sensitive readers warning: None. There's no language, no graphic violence, and no graphic sex.
In case it matters to you: I know the author; she happens to be a good reading/writing/cover designing buddy of mine. So I got to read this before it came out and I liked it so much that I bought it. And no, I do not buy all the books written by my friends, just so you know. I'm too poor (i.e., cheap) for that.
That said, I loved it! It was sweet, gritty, fast-paced, and impossible to put down. Though there's no clear indication of time period or setting, it was not hard picturing a Medieval setting for this story.
My only complaint is I would have LOVED for it to be longer, with more tension (not that there isn't any--there DEFINITELY is), more mystery, just more, more, MORE! Ms Rossano does a good job of character-building despite the short length, so I have no complaints in that area. I just would have loved to spend more time with these characters.
Disclaimer: I purchased this book from Amazon. I was not paid in any way for my review. The opinions expressed here are my own. Purchasing through the Amazon link provided here will result in me earning a teeny, tiny commission.