Sunday, October 19, 2014

~Cover Reveal~ The King of Anavrea

It's with great excitement that I bring you the cover reveal for Rachel Rossano's The King of Anavrea! This book is special to me for three major reasons: 
  • Rachel Rossano happens to be one of my favorite authors.
  • I beta read this story for Rachel. (Fabulous!)
  • I designed the cover. (Makes sense to do a cover reveal, huh?) ;) 

Without further ado...

 Book Blurb –

A reluctant king, a blind queen, and a marriage that sparked a rebellion...  

Ireic Theodoric, King of Anavrea, constantly battles with his council over who will run the country. When the council insists on a treaty with Sardmara, he agrees. However, the treaty quickly becomes an arranged marriage. Ireic offers up himself for the sake of Anavrea. But after he signs, no princess appears.  

Lirth Parnan, only daughter of the King of Sardmara, survives alone in a cold, damp tower room. Baron Tor kidnapped her in an attempt to control her father. No one came to claim her. She suspects her father considers her flawed beyond use in his political games. 

After five years of waiting, her hope of rescue wanes with her health.  After Ireic fights his way into Lirth’s tower, he realizes the depths of her father’s deception. Instead of being an answer to his problems, Lirth creates new ones. The council will not accept her as queen, but Ireic has sworn an oath that he will marry her. His choice could cost him his throne, perhaps his life. 

– Author Bio –

Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the little ones are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books. Tales of romance, adventure, and virture set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction. 

Rachel loves to interact with readers. 
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– Buy Links – 

– Book Trailer –

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

~Book Review~ Loving Lucianna

Loving Lucianna 
A Hearts in Autumn Romance 

Genre: Medieval romance 

4.3 of 5 pearls 

WARNING: Mild violence, otherwise a totally clean and sweet read. 

 Disclaimer #1: I am friends with the author. The author is also a cover client of mine (yes, I designed this cover). The version I read was the beta version (arc), so there might be some differences now of which I am not aware. 

Summary: Lucianna has accepted the fact that she will never marry. There are things in her past she cannot undo, things that prevent marriage even if the right man comes along. When the right man does come along, it takes everything in her to resist him, and he refuses to take no for an answer.

The thing I love best about Joyce's books is the complete assurance that I will not encounter anything that makes me uncomfortable. I'll discover well-rounded characters, a well-researched corner of medieval history, and a sweet love story. This is certainly true of Loving Lucianna. And I love that this story is about a couple in the Autumn of their years.

I was immediately drawn to these characters and found myself eager to determine what this big secret was that prevented Lucianna from giving in to her desire to marry Sir Balduin. He was a charming man, and I felt the romance between them was believable and well-written. I enjoyed the flashback scenes, where we learned about young Lucianna. Ms. DiPastena did a fabulous job of easing the reader in and out of these scenes without disrupting the story flow. The end was satisfying.

I look forward to reading the final version of this story, which I'm sure is now a solid 5-pearl read. For the time being, I'll end this review here. :)

Disclaimer #2: I was not paid in any way for this review. The opinions expressed here are my own. The image does link to Amazon, and the link does contain my affiliate ID. I was given a copy of this book as a beta reader, not with the request for a review, but I decided to review it anyway. ;)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

~Book Review~ Rising

by Holly Kelly 
Genre: Fantasy romance

4.6 of 5 pearls 

WARNING: Very mild language but otherwise a totally clean read. 
A Dagonian warrior (don't even THINK of calling him mer!) is sent on a mission by his king and encounters a woman who, according to Dagonian law, should die. Unfortunately for him, he likes her. He really, really likes her. 

Oh my, oh my, oh my!! I started reading this book before bed one night, finally set it aside at 1am, picked it up again when I woke up at 6 and didn't set it down again until I was done. Seriously! I loved this book. L.O.V.E♥ Fun and exciting! But that's just my opinion, so let's get down to brass tacks.

  • Hero: Very nicely done. Sexy, alpha male, ruthless yet merciful, not exactly what I consider a bad boy, but he definitely has a few bad boy qualities. 
  • Heroine: Sweet, but strong, very believable. I think Ms. Kelly did a fantastic job with the inner turmoil of the heroine.
  • Storyline: Not too involved despite the "fantasy" element. Involved enough to be completely fascinating, however. There's some grit (which I appreciate), some heat, and a lot of heart. 
  • Cons: Hmm. As far as the story goes, none that I recall. However, for this being a small-press published book (Clean Teen Publishing) rather than self, there were a lot more typos than I expected. Not quite enough that it ruined my joy in the story, but enough to make me notice. 
  • Other points: My daughter took one look at the cover and asked if she could read the book. She's ten so my automatic reply was that I needed to read it first. After reading it, I informed her that she has to wait until she's at least 13. She's counting down the days now.  
In conclusion, would I read this again? Definitely. Will I buy the sequel and any other in the series from here on out? Um...YEAH! And guess what? You can grab a copy of this book for FREE by clicking on the cover photo above. That's right, the kindle edition of this book is free. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: This review is for the first release of this book. I was not paid in any way for this review. The statements made here are my honest opinions. I acquired this e-book for free from Amazon at no urging from anyone. Except the cover. The cover made me download this book. Oh yes. LOVE the cover. Oh, last but not least, the link in the image above contains an Amazon affiliate ID. Any purchase made through the link will result in a small commission for me. If you don't want that to happen, simply strip the ID from the link and refresh the page. I think I covered everything.


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