Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~Book Review~ A Matter of Choice

A Matter of Choice
My rating: 3.6 of 5 pearls
Warning: Mildly descriptive love scenes 

This was a decently entertaining read. I liked the characters and enjoyed the storyline. The idea of a woman making her husband sign a fidelity contract before their marriage was new to me, and therefore intriguing. 

I found the hero a bit of a stretch; his change to fidelity seemed a wee bit far-fetched. I think a bit of a struggle would have been a little more realistic. However, I did like him and found his anguish over his father's hatred quite believable and heart-wrenching. 

There were a few typos in the Kindle version I read (nothing too out of the ordinary or annoying), but the author must have decided to change the hero's name because he was called "Gray" a couple times near the end. 

I wouldn't classify this as "clean" but the love scenes were definitely not as detailed as most historical romances. 

Overall, I liked it and will probably read another book by Laura Landon. 

*Disclaimer: I was not paid in any way for this review. I purchased this Kindle book from Amazon. This review reflects my honest opinion of this work.

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